All go on the writing front.

Posted on 1st March, 2014

Apologies for the lack of blog posts recently but I've been busy with the spring issue of Farming North which came out last week, it's full of good things so if you get the chance have a look at it, it includes a piece about drystone walling another on the Scottish charity RSABI and my column in which I'm encouraging everyone to consider sitting on your village council or hall committee.


I've just put the finishing touches to a couple of pieces for the upcoming issue of Home Farmer so if you have a septic tank you might just want to grab a copy of May's magazine.


April's issue of Smallholder has an article in on the Scottish Women's Land Army Memorial if you fancy a trip down memory lane. Should be in the shops very soon.


I've just been asked to do a piece on the new Smallholder show that will take place at Thainstone in Aberdeenshire at the end of May and I'm currently putting another piece together on the horse Champions at the recent spring show held there. As you can see I've been at my desk quite a bit.


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